Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Feminist Stand?

I'm confused as to how this is some sort of feminist stand? These guys are never going to listen to equal rights rants- they're gross and they're always going to be. There are a lot of disgusting dirt bags in the world, both men and women, who are never going to be decent people. This is not an issue of equal rights but an issue of socioeconomic status. These men didn't have families that taught them basic principles on how to treat another human being, they were clearly raised in less advantageous situations. I mean look at them, they're scummy. Maybe if this was a video of polished, un-tattooed, un-gelled men I would be a little more 'stunned'.

Whats more is, having visited Hollywood Boulevard last January, it is essentially a freak show. Even walking around with my father I was legitimately scared for my safety. Walking around in a drunken state on Hollywood isn't like walking down your local small town main street, it's literally asking to be assaulted.

This video is in no way a fair assessment of how the average man would treat a woman. It's extremely skewed and I'm still wondering how this is in anyway groundbreaking. Also, as I read in this article by Emily Arata, there is no way to know how many 'nice' men were edited out in order to make a point. On Hollywood Boulevard is it likely there were many? No. But I'd be wiling to bet there were at least a few.

Of course, I'd love to hear your views on this and I'm always open to new opinions so comment with anything you have to say. ANYTHING...

peace lovelies xx


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